第1题The medium of verbal interaction is_______without which cooperation would be impossible.
第2题The Chinese equivalent for“housewarming”is______rather than “室内供暧”.
第3题It is often said that English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese a language with______grammar.
第4题In English culture, “title +_______”vocatives are normally used in formal situations.
第5题An idiom is a construction, expression, etc, having a meaning different from the _______ one or not according to the usual patterns of the language.
第6题A direct comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by “like” or“as”is a _______.
第7题Honourifics are used to show_______to one’s interlocutors and persons mentioned in conversations, while terms of humility are used to show the speaker’s modesty.
第8题In English letters of request and indeed in most English letters, the_____for which the letter is written precedes the supporting information.
第9题Generally the English news report serves to amuse the reader, to present a piece of news in a light tone, while the Chinese news report is almost exclusively______.
第10题Human territories can be classified into three basic categories: primary territory, secondary territory and_______territory.