Passage 1
Searching by keyword is the most common method of using a search engine, but the problems with keywords are the relative imprecise results and the return of a lot of irrelevant information. Keywords may have more than one meaning and search results may be found only by using a synonym of the keyword.
The majority of search engines come from the United States and have specialized in English resources and information reflecting the American culture. People who do not speak English or who are non-native speakers have therefore many disadvantages on the Web.
The centralized approach to information retrieval has extreme difficulty in coping with the multilingual and multi-cultural nature of the information society. Although many search engines have subsidiaries in many other countries, like Japan or Italy, the way the information is presented is the American way and may not reflect the logic of the people who are using it.
The search and development in information and data retrieval is aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of retrieval. Individual and parallel development for database management systems has left this sector without a centralized vision and coordination between the different types of search engines. Search engines on the internet are very specific and not able to cope with multiple database formats and file types. In order to make searches complete, a search engine needs to search over text, documents, images, sounds and all other media formats. So the database integration will be the single most important objective for the future of intelligent search engines.
11、The problems with searching by keyword are_______.
A.the results are not precise and the information is more than necessary
B.although the results are more precise the information is abundant
C.although the results are not precise the information is not enough
D.none of the above
第2题12、Which of the following is true about the search engines from the U.S.?
A.They operate with a US-centric company structure and tend to concentrate on various languages.
B.All of them have specialized in English resources and information.
C.It is not convenient for non-English speakers to use.
D.They provide only cultural resources and information.
第3题13、It can be learnt that if a Japanese uses American search engines in Japan he may have the problem of_______.
A.having to learn English first
B.not being able to find the information that he needs
C.not knowing how to use the American search engines
D.having to try to understand the American way of thinking about things
第4题14、Search engines cannot work very efficiently today because_______.
A.search engines on the Internet are very specific and not able to cope with multiple database formats and file types
B.search engines need to search over different categories to make searches complete
C.there is no coordination between the different types of search engines
D.all of the above
Passage 2
Identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace. Many businesses simply begin with a good idea. A magazine article, a personal observation, an unsolved problem, a small irritation, or a friend’s suggestion may trigger an idea, and the prospective business owner sees a gap between what people want and what is available. For example, both Amazon, com and eBay began this way.
Investigate the opportunity.Just because a person perceives that an opportunity exists does not mean that it is real. Perhaps the number of individuals interested in purchasing the product or service is too small. Perhaps the cost of manufacturing, marketing and distributing the product or providing the service is too large. The revenue model may be wrong, others may have tried already and failed, satisfactory substitute products may be available, and so on. For example, online grocery shopping would seem to be a wonderful opportunity: (relieving busy professionals of the time-consuming and tiresome task of visits to a grocery store.)Many large-and-small-scale online grocery-ventures have been tried, but most have failed or continue to lose money because they misjudged the logistical problems associated with grocery warehousing and delivery. This is why it is so important to develop a business plan. One of the purposes of a business plan is to determine the feasibility of a business opportunity in the marketplace.
15、The probable way of identifying a consumer need in the marketplace is______.
A.discovering a gap between what people want and what is available
B.resolving a problem
C.purchasing over the Internet
D.observing a person
第6题16、The statement “relieving busy professionals of the time-consuming and tiresome task of visits to a grocery store” means_______.
A.regular visits to a grocery store are time-consuming and tiresome tasks
B.the busy professionals are freed
C.it takes the time-consuming and tiresome task away from the busy professionals
D.the busy professionals are no longer required to continue in their jobs
第7题17、To investigate a real opportunity, you have to______.
A.investigate the number of individuals interested in purchasing the product or service
B.investigate the cost of manufacturing, marketing and distributing the product or providing the service
C.investigate whether satisfactory substitute products are already available
D.all of the above
Passage 3
Create a high quality website that offers excellent information and resources to those visiting the site. The most effective strategy for placing yourself in front of potential customers still involve organic search engine results.
Execute effective performance marketing campaigns.You can actually target potential customers based on the keywords they search for. Google AdWords is a powerful and efficient online marketing tool that allows you to take advantage of Google’s search functionality. Performance marketing is a powerful and efficient way to market your products or services since you can precisely analyze your target market based on how they search while only paying when someone actually clicks on your ads. It can seriously increase your targeted traffic with proper research, implementation, ad design, and ad copy.
Don’t underestimate the value of quality links.A good link campaign will both improve your presence online as well as provide your business with credibility by linking your website with strategic partners.
Email marketing is an absolutely essential e-business marketing strategy, and if employed effectively, opt-in email marketing campaigns can steer sales and traffic to your business overwhelmingly. The money is really in the list!
Creating your own affiliate program is arguably the most effective way of growing your business and sales online. Affiliate marketing is like having your own online sales force working on a commission-only basis. By creating a powerful affiliate program, you can enable other website owners and online marketers to boost sales and traffic on your own site. In return you offer your affiliates a percentage of the sales they generate for you.
18、The most effective strategies for placing yourself in front of potential customers involve_______search engine results.
第9题19、By linking your website with strategic partners, you can earn______with potential customers.
第10题20、Probably the most effective way of growing your business and sales online is______.
A.email marketing
B.an affiliate program
C.performance marketing
D.a high quality website