Passage 1
Conclusions of the Uruguay Round are truly a triumph in adversity. Securing agreement among so many countries on such a complex raft of trade agreements frequently seemed an insuperable challenge in the past year. To have done it at a time of sluggish growth, political uncertainty and protectionist pressures is an extraordinary achievement.Whatever the shortcoming of the result, the original vision of a broad expansion of International trade law is now much closer to fulfillment. More remarkably still so is the dream that drove the founding fathers of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: that of a liberal, rules-based international trading system overseen by an authoritative world trade organization. Just as the GATT helped foster economic integration and growth in the postwar decades, the new agreement should provide powerful underpinning for the world economy, fresh impetus to competition, fresh hope for those developing and former communist countries that have been opening up to international commerce.Several individuals deserve credit. Mr. Peter Sutherland and before him Mr. Arthur Dunkel, GATT directors-general, worked tirelessly to cajole recalcitrants—especially the US and EU一 into setting differences. Mr. Mickey Kantor, US trade representative, has dispelled the most serious doubts about his and the administration’s commitment to multilateral free trade. Sir Leo Brittan, the European trade commissioner, played a difficult hand with consummate skill and by luring France into the fold, arguably saved the Union from a political crisis of alarming proportions.
It was not difficult for the member countries of the GATT to reach an agreement on trade.
第2题Although the agreement reached in the Uruguay Round negotiation is believed to be a remarkable achievement, it often nothing new to the world economy.
第3题One of the functions of WTO is to monitor that a liberal, rules-based international trading system is observed by member countries.
第4题The Uruguay Round of negotiation moved a step forward to the broad expansion of international trade law.
第5题The member states of European Union, which negotiated as one party, took a unanimous stand on all questions from beginning to end in the Uruguay Round.
Passage 2
Globalization: Who Benefits from It?
We should be asking if the USA is harmed by globalization. If so, how can it be remedied? Although international trade itself is generally beneficial to participating nations, a trade deficit is always economically detrimental to the nation’s economy. The USA’s trade deficit of goods has been annually increasing for over a half century. There’s no reason to believe it will not continue to do so as we continue to seek pure free trade. For over a half century the USA’s continuously increasing annual trade deficits of goods have been such a significant catalyst. Our annual GDP and median wages (平均工资)have been less than otherwise due to our pursuit of pure unrestricted free trade. A trade deficit’s detriment(损害) to the GDP greatly exceeds the amount of the deficit itself. This is its multiplier effect. Any harm to the GDP affects the median wage. If the US Congress determines we practice global charity, it should be funded by all US tax payers rather than its greater proportionate burden upon lower wage and salary earning families. In 2003 Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly decrease the USA’s trade deficit of goods was published. The self-funding proposal is market rather than government driven and requires no constitutional amendment. It will increase rather than decrease the USA’s aggregate sum of imports plus exports. We can enjoy cheap imports and a greater purchasing power brought about by higher median wages.
The USA’s trade deficit of goods has been annually rising for over a century.
第7题If it were not for its continuously increasing annual trade deficits, the USA’s annual GDP and median wages would have been higher.
第8题If the US Congress determines they practice global charity, it should be funded by all US tax payers equally.
第9题Warren Buffett objected to the significant decrease of USA’s trade deficit of goods.
第10题The self-funding proposal is government driven and requires no constitutional amendment.